Abstract: Career guidance counselors play a pivotal role in guiding students towards suitable career paths, particularly in vocational schools. This research examines the multifaceted role of career guidance counselors and their impact on vocational education outcomes. The objective is to explore how counselors assist students in making informed career choices, developing skills, and navigating vocational training challenges. A survey research design is employed to collect data from a sample size of 150 students and 50 counselors in vocational schools across Ogun State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling ensures representation of diverse counselor experiences and student demographics. The case study approach delves into specific counselor interventions and their effectiveness in enhancing student career readiness. Findings reveal that personalized counseling sessions, vocational aptitude assessments, and partnerships with industry stakeholders significantly contribute to students' career development. Recommendations underscore the importance of expanding counselor roles, integrating technology for career guidance, and fostering collaboration between schools and industries to optimize vocational education outcomes.